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​2022 Goals: Get More Protein In Your Diet

​2022 Goals: Get More Protein In Your Diet

Posted by Calvin Virgilio on Dec 30th 2021

It’s something I realized I wasn’t doing about two months ago. I spent this whole year focusing on fitness and had seen some results, but I had plateaued in my improvement. After talking with registered dietician sister-in-law, she told me I needed to eat more calories and get more protein.

Calories are a measure of energy, and protein is a macronutrient essential to building muscle. The more energy your body expels in a day, the more calories and protein you need to build it back up. As I was expelling more effort in fitness, I was forgetting to increase my marginal calorie and protein intake. Hence, the plateau!

Everyone’s fitness and nutrition goals are different, but more protein should be a priority in everyone’s diet. Personally, I am trying to consume 160 grams of protein in my daily diet. That is not easy given the amount of carbs that surround me all day long in the bakery!

I’m finding that in order to build a routine around consuming more protein, I need a variety of protein sources to choose from, especially at breakfast and snack time. Dinner and Lunch can be straightforward, but during the rush of the morning hours I don’t always have time to make eggs or eat something hearty. Snacking is no different, an most days I don’t even remember to snack because of the tasks at hand.

Our marketing manager, Ellie, has been asking for a biscotti cookie that we could offer online for months. With the new year approaching and many people setting resolutions around health and fitness, I saw it as an opportunity to bake a delicious biscotti cookie that could be integrated into a new year fitness and diet plan.

After a few attempts, we came up with a biscotti that’s not only flavorful with great texture, but has 7 grams of protein per serving! That’s impressive when you compare it to popular protein cookies and bars that contain 5-12 grams of protein per 40g serving.

Protein from REAL FOOD sources:

What’s most impressive about our biscotti is where the protein is coming from: almonds, walnuts, quinoa, flax, and whey protein. If you’re unfamiliar with whey, it’s an ingredient that is a natural by-product of the cheese making process. We’re using unflavored whey from Bob’s Red Mill, assuring there are no additives. You're also getting health fats from the nuts, which help fight inflammation to aid recovery in recovery and heart health.

Protein with your Morning Coffee

Every morning, I look forward to my morning coffee. It is perhaps my most sacred routine, as I’m sure it is for many of you. Our protein biscotti pairs perfectly with your morning coffee, and it will leave you feeling fuller longer thanks to the 7 grams of protein.

We would love your feedback on the biscotti and any suggestions for new flavors to try. Have a great new year and good luck with accomplishing your goals in 2022.

Order your biscotti here.